Sparrow’s manner had grown cool. “I
knew your father,” he said after a minute, “and I respected him. I was not interested in selling cattle at this time, and we’re holding them on good grass so there is no need. However, I thought that the son of Borden Chantry and I might strike a bargain.”
“And we are ready, sir.”
“You went east soon after your father’s death,
didn’t you?”
“Yes, sir.”
“The situation back east is very different from out
here, Mr. Chantry. Money is not always the only consideration. Out here we place emphasis upon the basic virtues, and I have noticed that the more organized our lives become the less attention we pay to such things as courage and loyalty. Organization seems to eliminate the necessity for such things, but out here they are the very stuff of life.”
“And what does that mean?”